Thursday, April 5, 2012

Non-Scale Victories (NSV)

I started weight watchers for the 2nd (well actually I think it was the 4th) time on March 1, 2012 with the intention of just losing weight. I was tired of being fat and knew it was time to “put my big girl panties on” and just do it. There were some issues that I knew I couldn’t fix without losing weight. Never did I realize that I would also succeed at making other changes. I knew I had a flexibility problem. My muscles had become so tight that normal every day activities were hard. I would wake up in the morning and pretty much roll out of bed because I didn’t have the stomach muscles to actually sit up in bed. ***TMI*** I would go to the bathroom and could barely clean myself properly because my back hurt too much to twist right. I am very embarrassed by this fact. I’m only 34 years old! I should have these problems, but I did, and it was my own fault! I was in constant pain from my back being out of align and had to take muscle relaxers to help me even just sleep because of the pain. It was horrible. I never realized that in just 1 short month (well 1 month and 5 days) that I would overcome these issues. I can stand from my couch without pushing myself off with my arms. I can twist like a child. My back no longer hurts 24/7. I’m still working on fixing my neck problems and once I find the right activities to fix that I should be golden. J I no longer wake up multiple times each night just to roll over in bed, in fact, I am actually feeling rested so much so that I will wake up at odd hours at night and cannot go back to sleep. I have only lost 7.7lbs in this last month, and while that is a victory in and of itself, it’s not the ultimate victory. The victory is knowing that my pants are no longer tight. That I can move and that I am no longer in pain. For that, I will be truly thankful to weight watchers for helping me change my life!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go girl!!!!!!! All these changes after only 7.7 pounds, imagine how you will feel as more and more comes off. I am so glad you are taking the reins and changing your life!!!!!!!!!! Keep up the awesome work!
